Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Enchanted Wood Slideshow

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Lisa Brawner said...

just beautiful !!!

Tracey said...

Thanks for your note on my blog!

I was surprised to see how expensive her book has become - yowsa . . . not sure what to say. I have found cheaper used books on Alibris . . .

BTW - I *love* The Herb Quarterly . . . and have been enjoying your articles . . .

janet copenhaver said...

Wow you do live an enchanted life! It makes me long for the greenness I miss from when I lived in Pa many moons ago.
I am intrigued with all that you do, writing, studying herbs, to name just two.
I love trees as well, recently the cattle on the ranch that we live, killed a tree that my husband built around. I was devastated! I love nature and it's the only place I find peace. I am torn deeply by having to spend so much time in Denver these days.
To soon for hubby to retire just yet... With the market tumbling we need to prepare. Most of our $$ is tied up in real estate.
35 acres in Westcliffe.
97 in central PA
1 acre here in Denver.
I will add you to my blog list, hope you continue to use your blog as a way of sharing a bit of you. You will find many friends through this venue with just a little effort.

janet copenhaver said...

Oops I posted before I was done, was in preview mode and clicked to soon.
I will think of you when I smell the roses on my pink rose bush today. Well actually I suspect I will associate them with you in the future as well...

auntgeorge said...

Absolutely beautiful. Wish I could sit on that purple bench near your pink cabin and share a cup of herbal tea with you dear girl!! Your cocker pups are cutie pies too.

Lainey said...

I enjoyed your slideshow. It's so beautiful up there and I love all your four legged friends! I'd love to someday build a cabin like that to go to and reflect. I was thinking of you today and I hope you are doing well.

BeaK. said...

Love, love, love your blog!

What beautiful animals, the white deer are so pretty.

We lived in NC for 5 years prior to Tennessee, There is a town there where white squirrels live.

Always something new and amazing to learn about.

Blessings for 2009 and beyond~

Bea Kunz

Carrie and Justin said...

Oh how I enjoyed that slideshow. It is winter now, but we haven't had snow here yet. You're slideshow made me long for fresh deep snow, a mug of warm tea, and a woodstove nearby. It also made me really long for spring to come along (lack of snow here doesn't help that!).
Wonderful!! And you're blog title is certainly a VERY appropriate title!

Prince William Regional Beekeepers Association said...

I used to read the herb quarterly, but have not got it for years now.

Re beekeeping, a great book to start with that is very user friendly is Kim Flottom, Backyard Beekeeping.
He pushes an 8 frame and plastic frame hive set set up which I personally do not like, but the book is still great. Just know that there are many ways to set up a hive. He also has a really nice honey companion book. I am sure there are local beekeeping clubs in your area. I can help you find some.

beegirl said...

I've read and enjoyed your articles in The Herb Quarterly. I, too, am enrolled in CCNH (Holistic Nutrition) and follow the green path. Your home is beautiful and has many of the items on my 'wish list' of a dream home.

I talk with trees, too, and have since I was young. I sing to them as well. My shrubs get caresses. Bees have an affinity for me and I for them (maybe that's why I've started assuming a bee shape!).

Anyway, thanks for sharing your home. Loved the Tasha Tudor & Beatrix Potter article.

Anonymous said...

Where did you get your cabin..

BeaK. said...

Hi Lady...just popping in to connect...been so very busy with the gardens and all that brings about.

Everything is bountiful this year, lots to be grateful for.

Had a flock of wild turkey come through for doubt they will be back for dinner...usually a twice a day event.

Take really good care of self and critters !


Bea Kunz

Rosa Sophia said...

Wow! What a gorgeous place to live. I only hope I have a home so lovely one day. :-)

Amythyst Raine said...

I adore this slideshow, it is absolutley 'magickal'. The energy of all the animals is wonderful and so touching, the scenery is gorgeous-- I love your trail through the trees. Behind this beautiful world I also see a lot of hard work and dedication.

Anonymous said...

I adore your slide show,so peaceful & such beautiful creatures. What a delightful place to live surrounded by nature.

Yooperanna said...

I picked up your blog under the comments in inquiries about Anne La Bastille. I was wondering if you have heard anything about her health. I have read all of her books, have great admiration for her and her work with environment and conservation. Wrote to her at one of the Healthcare facilities mentioned on blog page but got no reply. I have been a Woodsy for many years and enjoy the life. Yooperanna